Write Away Europe Editorial Services


Write Away Europe Editorial Services


We'll read and review your manuscript and provide a constructive evaluation on what is working and what can be improved upon with actionable suggestions. You'll receive a written assessment of your work with feedback on elements of plot, narrative arc, characterization, structure, consistency, style. We'll identify strengths and weaknesses and provide strategies to improve your work and achieve your creative vision.


• You’ve completed your first draft and are early on in the editing process, an Editorial Assessment will help you refine your vision, solve any big picture issues and provide a path to strengthen your manuscript turning it into a book that readers relish.

• You haven’t completed your manuscript and are feeling stuck. An Editorial Assessment will provide you with direction, address any big issues and help you fine-tune your creative vision at an early stage.

Cost: US $500

• Detailed Written Editorial Assessment
• Online Video Consultation

Email Request


Book editing by Write Away Europe


We'll edit the finer points of your manuscript to ensure that your writing flows without any inconsistencies while strengthening your prose throughout. We'll go through your manuscript line by line, suggesting edits that will perfect your manuscript yet stay true to your style and narrative voice.

Copy editing will focus on consistency in voice, characters, style, word choice, grammar, punctuation and spelling. You'll receive a thoroughly annotated version of your manuscript giving you a polished piece that clarifies your voice and engages readers.


• You've done numerous edits and are happy with your story and its structure. You're now ready to have a thorough sentence-level read through focusing on the finer points of your manuscript: readability, grammar, style and consistency.

Cost: US $1,200

• Written Editorial Report
• Edited Annotated Manuscript with explanations & suggestions
• Two Online Video Consultations

Email Request

Developmental Editing

Developmental Editing by Write Away Europe


We'll collaborate with you and transform your manuscript into a cohesive, finished work. We'll guide you in answering the big questions regarding theme, audience, structure, pacing and style. We’ll help you shape your narrative and refine your ideas while making sure you stay true to your voice.

We'll address issues and advise revisions, fixing any major plot or character inconsistencies and distractions that take the reader out of your story. You'll receive a detailed editorial letter that includes an assessment of your manuscript's strengths and weaknesses along with specific recommendations for improvement. You'll also receive an annotated version of your manuscript with detailed notes and edits.


• You have an incomplete manuscript but you’re stuck and need guidance and encouragement.

• You have completed your manuscript but need a substantive edit to address issues with overall cohesiveness and big picture issues.

Cost: US $2,000

• Detailed Written Editorial Assessment
• Edited Annotated Manuscript with explanations & suggestions
• Two Online Video Consultations

Email Request

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