Get the Most of Your
Write Away Retreat Experience

While the Write Away Europe Retreats are an immersive and inspiring experience — and like any such, those who get the most out of them tend to be the ones who give the most of themselves and their time and attention to the experience. And while they are purposely somewhat informal in nature, there are a few simple things that always help writers to get the most out of the experience.

  • Spend some time in advance purposefully thinking about what you hope to get out of the retreat

  • The sharing of writing and stories is an intensely personal experience and those that get the most out of the experience are those that overcome their inhibitions by being generous with themselves and others

  • The retreats are designed to be collegial, constructive, and supportive. The more engaged and giving of yourself you are with the process, the more rewarding the experience will be

  • While no one is compelled to share their writing with the group, everyone is encouraged to do so in order to glean feedback and inspiration

  • When sharing writing, think in advance about what you hope to have achieved with the writing piece in order to get the most insightful feedback

  • Be supportive and generous with your feedback as you would want others to be with yours

  • While many arrive with phones and/or laptops, we strongly encourage you to leave these behind during the Round Table Workshops in order to be fully engaged with the experience and the group. The more disconnected you are during the Retreat, the more connected you become with the group and your writing

  • Be mindful of your settings and your surroundings: the more in touch you are with the environment and the experience, the more you’re likely to tap deeper into your own voice and writing

  • Strive to be engaged, open, and receptive to new experiences and exploring new possibilities, both in your writing and your life

  • The Retreats are more than just the Round Table Workshop Discussions, the evening Lit Up Sessions and group dinners are always convivial and casual and are often where some of the most personal and insightful exchanges take place

  • Remember, there is no one right way to write a story — there is only the way that works best for each individual writer. The goal is for everyone to find the way that works best for them and their stories and embrace their own voice

  • While the aim of the Retreats is to encourage and nurture the telling of individual stories in the best way possible, the overall goal is always for everyone to leave encouraged and inspired to make writing an integral part of their everyday life, to find and fully connect with their passion for writing and take their stories into the world

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